Vitamin Bee is fantastic, fun, and full of important nutritional information… nutritional information delivered in an exciting and engaging way. Love it!

of the week
Our featured recipes are some of our favorites! They’re easy and fun, with kid friendly preparation and skill building, like hand eye coordination, measuring, and counting. Check back regularly for new featured dishes.
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Fun (and tasty) food for the whole family!
Vitamin Bee in school
Each lesson begins with a Vitamin Bee® episode. Students are exposed to fun facts, nutrition information, history, and recipes. Our episodes inspire and motivate kids to engage the lesson plan and are the basis of our multimedia approach.
Vitamin Bee after-school
The Vitamin Bee® After-School Nutrition Education Program consists of five key components. Our simple goal is to use multi-media and hands-on experiences to engage and edit our students about making healthy choices for themselves.
Making healthy food fun!
Vitamin Bee, LLC. Is a company that believes nutrition education is just as important as learning your ABC’s and 123’s.
Our fun and informative character Vitamin Bee encourages kids, families, and schools to learn and work together in order to build the support needed to create a long-lasting healthy environment.
The Buzz about Vitamin Bee